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Celebrate student successes, increase student engagement, and strengthen the school–home connection by printing achievement certificates for your students!
Visit https://certificates.freckle.com/ to see a number of certificates, in both English and Spanish, that you can view and edit online, and then either print them or create PDFs of them. The current list of certificates includes:
- Great Work / Buen Trabajo
- Great Progress / Gran Progreso
- Questions Answered Correctly / Preguntas Respondidas Correctamente
- Minutes Practiced / Minutos Practicados
- Amazing Accuracy / Premio de Exactitud Asombrosa
- Weekly Goal / Meta Semanal
Each certificate provides a place to enter a student’s name, the date you award the certificate, and your own name. Some certificates let you enter more specific data about a student’s achievements (questions answered correctly, level mastery, etc.). Certificates can be posted in the classroom, sent home to a student’s parents, or shared via email. However you use them, they are great validations of a student’s hard work and dedication, and can serve to motivate all students to set and achieve high goals!