Discover Math concepts through real-world scenarios
- Explore Inquiry Based Lessons (IBL's) for Grades 1–8 including: Measuring Earthquakes, Working at the Farmer's Market, Traveling the World, Introduction to the Stock Market, and many more.
- Use Constructed Response for Grades 6–9 to explore math domains including: Geometry, Expressions and Equations, Functions, Exponential Equations and Expressions, Descriptive Statistics, and many more.
Engage students through critical thinking and active learning
- Identify standard or domain for real-world application and group practice. Use filters in IBL section to explore relevant IBLs and choose one.
- Review teaching materials and handouts for each piece of the lesson to understand goals/instructions and plan time in weekly lesson plans.
- Lead IBLs—suggest that students watch video (2nd day on) independently before group, and watch again together.
- Review questions in beginning of presentation are great as warm-ups and getting students discussing/sharing ideas to target math practice standards.
- Students work in small groups using handouts to work towards the goal of that day's IBL (Pro tip: Use "Class Grouping Report" to form small groups).
- Review as a class. Focus on students communicating reasoning and evaluating ideas and evidence to stress math standards and conceptual understanding.
Connect students with Social Studies topics through engaging activities.
- Identify unit/concept of learning. Filter by grade/subject to explore Social Studies units.
- Review units and identify the relevant or pieces of lessons (Note: Can use whole unit or individual lesson).
- Make sure materials are prepped/printed prior to instruction.
- Use teacher guides to lead lessons.
- Assign articles for students at their adaptive reading level.
Connect students with NGSS aligned Science topics using Freckle design engineering projects.
- Identify unit/concept of learning. Filter by grade/subject to explore Science units.
- Review units and identify the relevant or pieces of lessons (Note: Can use whole unit or individual lesson).
- Make sure materials are gathered and prepared prior to instruction.
- Use teacher guides to lead lessons.
- Leverage Freckle's design engineering challenges.
- Assign articles for students at their adaptive reading level.