There are two kinds of Freckle Math Practice: Adaptive and Targeted.
Adaptive Practice
Freckle Adaptive Math practice allows students to practice their math skills across different topics. The best part is, Freckle adapts while they work. All students start with a pre-test in each domain, or group of topics. The pre-test determines their starting level. But, as students work in each domain, Freckle is constantly adjusting to them. Freckle provides students with remediation problems when they are struggling, and pushes them onto more advanced concepts when they are doing well. (Note: If you are using Freckle integrated with Star Math, a student's Star Math assessment score is used instead of pre-tests to determine the students starting level; see "How does Freckle integrate with Star Assessments?" for more information.)
Students can perform Adaptive practice on their own, or teachers can assign it to them.
When students first go to Freckle Math, they will see the different domains, or groups of topics.
The first time students start working in a domain, they will take a pre-test. Then, they will be placed at the level that is "just right" for them and they will be able to start practicing.
All math questions for grades K–5 have audio that students can select to hear the question read aloud. All math questions in all grades are available in Spanish too!
Targeted Practice
Targeted practice works just like Adaptive practice, except that YOU get to choose the skills and standards the students practice! You can assign students a certain standard to work on from your Freckle Teacher Home.
If a student has assessed lower than the selected skill or has struggled with recent practice related to this skill, Freckle may provide a recommendation for teachers to differentiate the assignment for students by assigning a mix of prerequisite skills along with the selected skill. Students who receive the prerequisite skills will not receive the assignment on the selected skill.
Prerequisite skill assignments include a combination of questions addressing critical skills that support understanding of the selected skill, in addition to 2 questions at the selected skill level.
Students can also choose to work on levels/standards that they have already passed. This also qualifies as Targeted Practice, because the student is choosing to target a specific skill on his/her own.
If a student's language is set to Spanish, they will be able to toggle the language of both Adaptive Practice and Targeted Practice questions between Spanish and English.