Freckle has many different types of ELA practice to help you meet the needs of your students. Here are just a few suggestions on how to fit Freckle into different classroom settings. Remember, you know your students best, so feel free to adapt Freckle to work with your class.
Independent ELA Practice
Freckle offers hundreds of informational texts and fictional stories for students to read, all at multiple reading levels. Have students log in to Freckle and choose the articles and stories that interest them. They'll only see texts that are at their appropriate reading level. Every text has skills-aligned comprehension questions at the end as well.
Looking for a way for students to practice specific ELA comprehension skills? Have students do ELA Skills Practice. They'll read a short passage and then answer specific skills-aligned questions about the passage. Students can practice skills such as inferencing, main idea, word choice, and more. As always, passages and questions appear at each student's individualized, adaptive Freckle level.
Freckle has a Word Study practice mode as well to help students build their understanding of phonics and spelling patterns. After taking a spelling pre-test, students will learn all about common English word patterns and advance through at their own level.
Are you a younger grades teacher? Have your students work on their ELA basics by doing a Sight Words practice session or reading a Decodable text.
Whole Class
Looking for ELA practice for your whole class? Try assigning an ELA Article or Story to everyone and then discussing it as a class. You could choose to assign everyone the same level, or you can assign texts at students' adaptive level. Each student will then see the text at their closest Freckle level.
Looking for reading material for students at home? Try assigning Freckle ELA to students to complete on their devices at home. You can assign articles, stories, word study sessions, and ELA Skills practice sessions.
Worried about your students accessing devices at home? Try printing out articles or stories for students to read and answer questions on their own.