Freckle has a number of features that help you accommodate students who come from non-English speaking homes and who are learning English (ELLs), with a particular focus on Spanish-speaking students.
- At its core, Freckle is designed to respond to an individual student's abilities, advancing them only when they're ready and providing remediation questions if they're struggling. This ensures that students won't be forced to move ahead if their language skills need more development.
- Teachers can change their students' language from English to Spanish at any point on the Roster page. Students whose language is set to Spanish can toggle math questions between English and Spanish at will.
- All math practice and student navigation is available in Spanish, including audio support.
- Teachers can preview math assignments in Spanish to ensure practice is appropriate for their students.
- Hints, vocabulary words, and audio supports are present throughout Freckle; for more information, see:
- What instructional supports are offered within the ELA Practice Program? (including the ELA Read-Aloud option, which lets teachers turn on audio for the entire ELA Library and ELA Skills Practice for any student)
- What instructional supports are offered within the Math Practice Program?
- What instructional supports are offered within the Social Studies & Science resources?
For additional information, please refer to our blog post, "Further support for Spanish-speaking students in Freckle"